As we pause in recognition of World Cancer Day (February 4th), the complexities and common occurrence of cancer in our modern world continue to astonish and cripple families, communities, and nations as thousands of millions of dollars are poured annually into research, facilities & equipment, programs, pharmaceuticals and more…
So, let me remind you of what cancer is…
Cancer is when some of our body’s tiny building blocks, called cells, start to grow in a way they shouldn’t. Imagine if a toy robot started making too many arms or legs and couldn’t walk right anymore. Our body has a special team, like superheroes, called the immune system that helps keep all the cells healthy and tells the ones that are growing too fast to stop. Sometimes, if the superhero team – immune system is too tired or not strong enough, those extra cells can make us feel sick. That’s why we need to eat good foods, play, and rest so our superheroes can be strong!
Whilst cancer seems like a high-speed car crash, with test results confirming speculations within days, but do you know that a cancer diagnosis occurs 5-10 years after initial body system breakdown? Cancer is not sparked by just one irregularity, but several years of degeneration preceding it, with dismissal symptoms like chronic fatigue, constipation, blood sugar dysregulation and more.
Whilst the genetics of cancer are mostly unavoidable, meaning the genes we inherit from our parents and parental lineages, we have control of many other factors, that can either turn on, or off these gene expressions – these ‘switches’ interact with and are directly affected by lifestyle choices, such as diet, exercise, stress (management) and by environmental factors and exposure to chemical compounds from food, pesticides, radiation (microwaves, metal detector machines and personal devices), hormones and most interestingly our thoughts and emotions can also switch our genetic expression. POWER OF THOUGHT & perspectives!
Here a few contributing factors to cancer expression:
- a weakened immune system —this could be from chronic inflammation, poor/inadequate nutrition, stress and/or toxin overload
- Genetic predisposition (discussed above) – however this only accounts for as little as 15% to the development of cancer
- Suboptimal liver function/Chronic inflammation-
- Mental-emotional trauma can often trigger the onset of cancer.
Holistically, psychological aspects such as; excessive fear, guilt, inability to cope with change, denial, self hate and unfinished business; for e.g. not creating your own life, filled with passions, love and curiosit
- Cleansing; our cells have an entire system of self-cleaning, however sometimes they need some extra help. Avoid snacking in between meals, allow your digestive tract some ‘clean-up’ time. Certain cultures and religions have fasting built into their dogmas (spiritual and physical cleansing) for good reason.
- Support liver detoxification (include apple cider vinegar in your salad dressings, increase bitter greens & hydrate effectively.
- Loose extra weight (so many of us struggle with this, but sometimes unconventional support is helpful. Invest in a coach, maybe the challenges are hormonal and/or emotional!)
- Increase movement, specifically somatic movement that helps the body metabolize and decrease excess cortisol in the bloodstream.
Post-meal walks is a tremendous digestive and sleep aid, and only 10-15 minutes has been shown to contribute significant benefits. - Avoid and/or eliminate processed and ultra-processed food, meaning most of your groceries should be from a market, or your garden, or your neighbor’s!
- Avoid xenoestrogen substances like pesticides, fertilizers, imported factory-farmed animal proteins – this is when bigger is NOT better!
- Avoid excess sugar (see previous article; The Healthy You)
Together, we can create cancer-free societies through anti-inflammatory lifestyles. Let us nourish our children well and be examples of health and strength and re-embrace our culture of herbal support therapies and other modalities of healing the body, mind and spirit!
By Arienne Perryman, C. H. N.
+590690104101 (whatsapp only)
+1 767 265 1123